Art Therapy
Do you find yourself struggling with feelings of sadness and sometimes not even know why?
Do feel tearful for no particular reason?
Do you constantly feel exhausted but are unable to rest?
Do you feel less able to cope with everyday life and are left feeling numb and empty?
You might even find it hard to motivate yourself, even to do the things you love.
Or you may even feel a sense of emptiness in the pit of your stomach that just won’t go away.
Then I can help
I do this by using my specialist art therapy skills and techniques to help you rediscover that loving relationship with yourself and find new ways of being.
There are many reasons why we become depressed.
I will help you explore and discover possible reasons why you might feel this way.
I will help you rediscover your authentic self, and to reinvigorate you so that you recognise your own values and meet your own needs. This is not about being selfish this is about self-care.
Through this process I will help you re-discover the true you. And to help you move away from the past that is controlling you now in the present.
I invite you to take this journey of self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-discovery, and self-love, with me as your guide.
Working with me will enable you to regain control and SPARKLE AGAIN.
If you would like to speak to me or book a session my contact details are ……
If you would like to find out even more about art therapy then click on the free download button …………