Art Therapy
Are you suffering from the loss of someone close to you?
Or are you feeling emotions of loss, due to the breakup of a relationship, loss of a job or pet?
Do you feel emotionally distressed?
Are you experiencing physical feelings of pain?
Do you feeling numb?
You may even feel shocked or disorientated?
Do you have feelings of anger and guilt?
All of this is normal, there is no ‘right or wrong way’ to grieve or deal with any loss, everyone experiences grief differently.
You may even be re-experiencing or experiencing for the first time, loss that is historical, this does not mean you are not grieving, grief is not linear.
Then I can help
I do this by using my specialist art therapy skills and techniques to help you rediscover that loving relationship with yourself and find new ways of being.
I will be able to help you explore and understand your feelings of grief and offer a safe space for you to express them.
I will help you rediscover your authentic self, and to reinvigorate you so that you recognise your own values and meet your own needs. This is not about being selfish this is about self-care.
Through this process I will help you re-discover the true you. And to help you move away from the past that is controlling you now in the present.
I invite you to take this journey of self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-discovery, and self-love, with me as your guide.
Working with me will enable you to regain control and SPARKLE AGAIN.
If you would like to speak to me or book a session my contact details are ……
If you would like to find out even more about art therapy then click on the free download button …………