My Specialties & Services
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy, which is also known as one-to-one art therapy is usually held weekly, at the same time and day each week. Each session lasts 50 minutes and with a minimum of 12 sessions recommended. You will always have the same therapist each week.
Group Therapy
Group art therapy is usually held weekly, at the same time and day each week. Each session is usually 90 minutes long. Group sessions sometimes work with specific themes, and at other times they are more general.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy, which is also known as one-to-one art therapy is usually held weekly, at the same time and day each week. Each session lasts 50 minutes and with a minimum of 12 sessions recommended. You will always have the same therapist each week.
An initial consultation session of 30Minutes is recommended where we can discuss your specific needs and you can see if art therapy is for you. I also believe that it is important that you meet me before you decide to go ahead.
Research suggests that therapy can be more successful when the client becomes involved with planning what they would like to achieve from therapy. I will therefore discuss this with you and this is something which we can review regularly.
Any images or art work created in the session are kept by the art therapist and are locked away and kept safe and confidential for the duration of the therapy. This is to enable us to revisit work if we need to. You can however always take photographs of your own work in the session if you wish.
If you are interested in individual art therapy please contact me for more information or consultation.
Group art therapy is usually held weekly, at the same time and day each week. Each session is usually 90 minutes long. Group sessions sometimes work with specific themes, and at other times they are more general.
Group art therapy usually run for a minimum of six week but this will vary according to the group. Each session will involve both art marking and group discussions. You will always have the same therapist or pair of therapists each week.
Group art therapy is good for those clients that want to explore their inter-personal relationships in more depth. Group therapy sessions are non judgemental, supportive and confidential and this is discussed with the group at the beginning of the course.
An initial consultation session of 30minutes is recommended where we can discuss your specific needs and you can see if group art therapy is for you.
Any images or art work created in the session are kept by the art therapist and are locked away and kept safe and confidential for the duration of the therapy. This is to enable us to revisit work if we need to. You can however always take photographs of your own work in the session if you wish.
If you are interested in group art therapy then please contact me for more information or a consultation.
My Expertise
Unexpected Mood Swings
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Are you currently suffering with mood swings that are affecting you everyday life? Do you find them confusing and hard to understand? Would you like to find out why you feel this way? Then I can help. Mood swings can be caused by many different things; however there is a strong link with mood swings and mental health problems. I can support you in exploring and finding out whether there are any triggers for your mood swings or long term reasons. Then together we can find new ways for you to deal with these feelings and even find ways in which you can change, to support you in feeling better and stabilizing your mood swings.
Stress & Anxiety
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Stress can be helpful in small doses, it can help you work under pressure and motivate you to achieve. However when you begin to feel burnt out or overwhelmed and feelings of anxiety take over, it is time to take action and regain some balance in your life.
If this is how you feel? Then I can help. We can work together to identify and recognize your symptoms and/or specific triggers and occurrences. We can then explore how you got to this position and together we can find ways to help you resolve these feelings of stress and anxiety. I will support you in being able to move forward and gain more balance in your life.
Someone to Talk To
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You might feel nervous about contacting me, because you are not really sure why you need to speak to someone, but you know you are struggling with difficult feelings and need to reach out. If this is you, don’t be afraid, you do not need a specific reason to speak to me. You can share your thoughts, feelings and emotions and I will not judge you or tell you what to do. The art therapy room is a safe place to talk and the art materials can support you in this process if you choose you use them. Or you can just talk, that is what I am here for to listen and support.
Family Member Conflict
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Families can be a great source of support, encouragement and love but this is not always the case. Sometimes families are put under strain and at some point all families face difficult situations or problems that make things hard to deal with. You may be feeling isolated, overlooked or emotional and confused, in your current family situation. If this is you I can help, we can work together so that you might gain an understanding of what is going on and how it affects you. Together we can explore different ways that you could support yourself, in your current situation. I can also support you in finding a more positive position for you in your family, so that you can feel revitalized and move forward.
Job Loss or Change
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Have you recently lost your job and are feeling angry, hurt or depressed? You are also most likely experiences feelings of loss and bereavement too. Well this is not surprising losing a job is one of life’s most stressful experiences. It is normal for you to be impacted profoundly. Losing your job affects how you feel about your professional identity, your self-esteem and how you might be seen in your social network. I suspect you are also feeling insecure having lost the security that your job provided as well as losing your regular daily structure and routine. If you are feeling this way, I can help you. We can work together to reflect on the way in which you job loss has impacted you and the art therapy room gives you a safe space to grieve that loss. I can also guide and support you in being able to make the changes that you need, which will help you to move forward with a new found sense of who you are.
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Do you find yourself struggling with feelings of sadness and sometimes not even know why? Do feel tearful for no particular reason? Do you feel less able to cope with everyday life and are left feeling numb and empty? You may be suffering from depression and I can help. There are many reasons why we become depressed and I will help you explore and discover possible reasons why you might feel this way.
I will help you rediscover your authentic self, and to reinvigorate you so that you recognize your own values and meet your own needs. This is not about being selfish this is about self-care.
Irregular Sleep Cycles
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Are you finding it hard to sleep, despite feeling exhausted all the time? Perhaps you are even reaching out desperately trying anything to help. You may even be trying alcoholic drinks or drugs, prescription or otherwise but are finding nothing is helping. Then I can help you. There is a link between irregular sleep cycles and mental health. The lack of sleep makes you feel tired, which then prevents you coping with everyday life, which then makes you feel bad effecting your self esteem, which then causes you to stress and worry more which then prevents you being able to sleep. I can help you reflect and explore this negative cycle and support you in finding new ways of being, which in turn should enable your sleep pattern to improve.
Couples Infidelity
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Have you been affected by infidelity in your relationships? Then I can help. Infidelity does not always happen because of unhappiness or dissatisfaction in the relationship and there is rarely just one reason, in fact it is usually very complex. However it is vital that you understand the reasons why it happened, so that you can come to terms with it. We can work together to explore the reasons, which will be painful and will take time but I will be with you on that journey, you won’t be alone. Together we can find ways for you to make change so things will be different in the future and I will support you in finding ways to rebuild the trust in your future relationships.
Harmful Thoughts
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Are you experiencing reoccurring thoughts, feelings or images that are distressing or disturbing you? Then I can help. Negative thinking refers to a pattern of thinking negatively about yourself or your surroundings. Everyone experiences this from time to time, but it becomes a problem when they are getting in the way of your everyday life, stopping you from working, sleeping or socializing for example. I can help you with these harmful thoughts. Together we can establish what might be triggering them and what you believe they say about you. We can work on establishing a pattern of behavior that is positive. And together we will get you to the point where you are able to think of these harmful thoughts as just a thought and not a reflection of you as a person. After all a thought is just a thought, what is important is how you respond to it.
Isolation & Loneliness
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Do you feel sad, lonely and isolated but have no one to turn to. Then I can help. Loneliness is not a mental health problem in itself but it is strongly linked. Having a mental health issue increases your chances of feeling lonely but being lonely can have a negative impact on your mental health. Everyone has different social needs and we can work together to identify yours. I will help you think about what is making you lonely and we can think of ways of getting you out there and meeting people. However I do understand that this can be terrifying and we don’t need to rush, we can take small steps, one at a time.
Strained Relationships
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Are your relationships unhappy and unfulfilling and you are not really sure why?
Does it feel like your connections between your loved ones, friends or work colleagues have broken down? Do you fear being rejected or abandoned?
Do you feel like you are trying everything to achieve fulfilling relationships, but find nothing is working, and now you’re feel stuck and don’t know what to do next?
All this can leave you feeling empty, can’t it? Then I can help. Positive, supportive and loving relationships are important for your health so together we will explore what you want from your relationships. And we can build the trust, respect and good communication back into them. Through this process I will help you re-discover the true you. And to help you move away from the past that is controlling you now in the present.
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Do you believe you are suffering with or are recovering from an addiction? Would you like to begin to understand the complex reasons behind your addiction? Then I can help you. Addiction is often linked to mental health problems and many addictions start as a way of coping with feelings that you felt you were unable to deal with any other way. We can work together to explore these issues and I will support you in finding new healthier ways of being.
Where I work
Ask questions to solve your issues.